Monday, February 23, 2015


Obligatory 250 words::
Was looking through my files to find which layout was the one I was going to post. In the past 5 days I've recompiled 5 totally different versions with all sorts of changes in an attempt to find one that works and appeases the most people. Progress is soso. Most of the shots I'm happy with; the cameras are sloppy, but they're progress and at least I can feel that they're getting somewhere; the final showdown scene has been a steaming pile since August and continues to be so. Today's version is a chaotic wrestling match out of the cave that doesn't make much sense but it sets the board up for the tumble off the cliff; so it's not the perfect solution, but it's a compromise that I think will work with the right cameras.
One of the key critiques I've received is that cameras are a bit too sludgy, floating around and snapping in unrealistic ways. Something that I'll need to pay attention to is ensuring that the camera moves feel more realistic, and less 3D. In order for the animation to read convincingly, I need to "shoot the film as if I were shooting it in real life". Basically, I need to cut back on the big orbiting shots that I fall back on for any/every action scene.
Likely will spend this week accumulating more feedback, tightening up these shots and getting a version ready to be shipped for music;;;;

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Revised Layout 22/02/2015

working on figuring out this ending. After 8 months of trial and error it's still seeing changes.  I'll never win

Monday, February 9, 2015


Final Animatic. Still a few meh moments. The intro doesn't read well, though that should hopefully come once stuff's rendered. I need to rework the sequence of shots around the map. The cave scene scares me because of the violent camera moves and how much poly collision I know I'm going to have, though the animation will be fun~
The ending (sequence on the ledge) is in its eighth or ninth iteration, and it still feels sloppy.

Basically, everything in this that I did right, I did it right my first try, while everything else has been a mess. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Blog overhaul!

Remaking the interface to make it more ~~widescreen~~
While I love this layout, it's calibrated for my old screen which was like a 600x800 relic from the ruins of Ur, I've forgotten how to code so prepare for a sloppy blog interface until I relearn HTML, or settle on something /good enough/

Reuploading all of my videos to VIMEO, so that things are better quality. Upload limit is 10 per day though; so it'll take half a week to reinstall and reformat all of the videos that I could find on my hard drive, 
God bless past me for organizing all my stuff since semester one in neat little folders.