This will be another post about nCloth simulations. and why students should have more sense than to try them.
SO. My last tests taught me that the one continuous wing mesh wasn't going to work, and neither was having low poly wing segments which I'd bind with nConstraints. However, nConstraints seems to be the way to go. So I've retopologized my wing so that all the vertexes match up, and here is round two.
The simulations work fine, but I have breaks.
A few more tweaks, but still with the breaking...
Also the largets of the three wing membrane that stretches from the body (cross the elbow) to the "finger" (digit 5) is too easily deformed and compressed into itself. I need to modify the topology to mimic a setup like this one which is very pretty. Another problem is that during fast movements, the cloth separates from the body, which is hopeless because everything I do will need to be fast.
Third big problem: whenever I save this stuff, it forgets the constraints. I open the scene to nContraint nodes which are empty, and nCloth that just flops around.
I used THIS neat tutorial to do the nConstraints and nCloth, though all the bits about wrapping the simulation have yeilded 0 success