Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Chiropteramon, the rigged digital monster.

It's taken an age, but I'm comfortable that I have finished that rig for my friend the Chirop monster. I say finished, but it's more like, reached a place where it can be animated. 
There's a decent amount still to do, attributes which will control things like the parenting of the legs and maybe some blendshapes... definitely some corrective blendshapes. I've still got that issue with cloth and constraints disappearing on subsequent reloads, and no one knows why... A few skin weights still to be painted too. Maybe one day i'll do a flyover of the rig in a video with explanation? Seems like it might be redundant so it'll be an if-I-have-free-time addition to the blog I guess.
Cloth test shows that things work, though there's some ugly scrunching. Something I'll have to deal with next semester I suppose :/

Still have that issue with cloth folding in on itself around the elbow. I want to constrain it with a joint or something, but skinning and cloth don't really mix well. And after the fiasco with wrap deformers, it's not something I want to try too much of. Blendshapes?