Coming along.
Was feeling pretty crappy coming off layout, but have had a few weeks to work on it and I'm feeling better about where things are going. There are scenes which are still only partially blocked, but others which are pretty far into rough. All in all though, it's feeling a lot tighter than two weeks ago when I threw the layout up here.
Tightened up all the stuff in the first scene. I've got a niggling issue with the timing of the dragon rushing her and kicking her off the cliff the first time, it may be a timing issue. Needs a hold somewhere? I dunno.
Everything in the cave is a lot looser; I have references for all the shots, but with the dragon it's so, so. The camera is also an issue I need to fix as I begin to refine this stuff, because as it is now, it's still pretty sloppy.
The break onto the cliff is my scene I'm working with with Brent, but I've gone ahead and blocked it anyway. Camera needs to be reworked in the 2nd shot there, and I think I need to look at redoing the timing for it's bucking because it freezes. It works in the references I have, but I think I want to favour it's time on the ground, before it throws it's neck back.
Also, my constraints fucked up and I only have one character there and it's bucking off nothing. thank god this shot's not being evaluated, right?
The final shot where they break through the clouds hasn't been touched in a while. I need to do a bit of work there, but it communicates what I want as is..
I really wanted to use a plug in for maya called Elementacular. I posted about it earlier this week I think; It'd be really handy in that final show with the whirly camera, because comping that in 3D with clouds all over the show will be a bit of a bitch. Unfortunately, school computer's don't like the plug in and it insta-crashes Maya if a scene has any cloud-related paraphernalia, so we'll see.
In better shape. Gotta keep on trucking.